Hello, I'm

Fourth-year Electrical and Electronics Engineering student with expertise in AI, image processing, and visual design. Currently exploring the intersection of technology and creativity.

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Programming Languages

University Degrees


Years of Study

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About Me

Fourth-year Electrical and Electronics Engineering student at Osmangazi University with a strong programming background, image processing, and object-oriented design. Studied abroad at Politécnico de Leiria in Portugal through Erasmus, enhancing technical skills in Electrical and Computer Engineering. Also pursuing a degree in Visual Communication Design at Anadolu University, combining technical and creative skills.

  • C/C++ (Advanced)
  • Python (Intermediate)
  • Image Processing
  • OpenCV
  • Object-Oriented Programming
  • Visual System Design

My Projects

  • AI Face Detection System

    Face detection system using Retinaface in Python with LFW Dataset

  • Skin Diagnosis AI Model

    Deep learning models for skin texture classification and cancer diagnosis

  • Medical Signal Analysis

    PPG signal analysis using WFDW and Python

Let's Connect

I'm currently based in Eskişehir, Turkey. Whether you have a question or would like to discuss potential collaborations, feel free to reach out!

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